Beth Parmar

“Vegify it!”

I have always been a keen cook. 2 years ago I was a meat eater, but for health reasons I decided to turn towards a vegetarian diet. I found that my vegetarian repertoire wasn’t as substantial as my traditional meat-based one so I spent lots of time trying out new vegetarian recipes and meals and soon discovered that removing the meat certainly didn’t mean removing the taste! I often cook for meat-eating friends and family who comment that they don’t miss the meat at all – many of them don’t believe me when I tell them there isn’t any meat in the meal at all!

I wanted to share my recipes because Vegify is about creating flavourful food from scratch. Vegify helps avoid ultra-processed food which can be less healthy as well as more expensive. It’s tempting to buy lots of fake meat products when on a vegetarian diet. However, it’s actually pretty quick and easy to make these yourself from a few basic ingredients.

What inspired Vegify?

The kitchen is my happy place. I love spending time in the kitchen being creative, experimental and being proud of what I produce. Cooking provides me with a huge sense of satisfaction and achievement and always manages to boost my mood.

One of my favourite things to do is to find a standard recipe and then find ways to “vegify it”. Whether it’s a recipe I find in a magazine, one I see on television or a meal I see on a restaurant menu,  I’m always wondering how I can vegify it.

That’s where Vegify started…